Loading town, please wait...

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Uploading your saveGame file, please wait...
You are using modded farm layout!
WonderfulLifeFarm by taintedwheat & JinxieWinxie
You render is ready!
To access your render click here:
powered by upload.farm
Object Count

  • to select individual map squares and create your correct map layout!
  • E to easily select Eraser tool, press again to restore last tool
  • S to easily select Hand tool, press again to restore last tool
  • Esc, Del or fn+Backspace discards picked up building/project
  • Hold , Ctrl or Shift when placing buildings/projects to "duplicate" it.
  • If you need to scroll the editor and can't see the horizontal scrollbar, use middle mouse button

Facebook group
GitHub: @GitHub
E-mail: kristinelizmurray@gmail.com

1. What is this?
This is an Animal Crossing New Leaf interactive town planner
2. How does save work?
When you press save, your town is saved and reloaded. You can then use the url to link to your town and share it!
4. Not working? Having any issues?
Feel free to contact me with any issues or feedback :)

Planimal Crossing by Kristin Murray (/u/adamantarticuno)
Based on Stardew Valley planner by Henrik Peinar (/u/hpeinar)
Map Tiles by Andrew Valenzuela (@art_by_andrecito)
Game sprites and models from Spriters Resource
Animal Crossing by Nintendo